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Directions for Completing Preceptor 101

To complete Preceptor 101, you must complete all of the tasks in the Modules and in the Assignment Tracker. Use the navigation bar at the top of the page to access all of the pages, including the Modules. Don't forget to log your completed tasks in the Assignment Tracker.


Step 1: Create/Sign in to a Facebook account and Join the NIC - Surgical Technology Preceptors group. Once accepted, post a simple greetings message. 


Step 2: Create a blog. You will be adding assignments to this blog. Once created, post a link to your blog in the Facebook group.


Step 3: Complete this Pre-Course Assessment Survey.




Step 4: Progress from Module 1 through Module 3. Each module starts on Monday, goes for one week, and ends on Sunday. Complete the activities and assignments and log them in the Assignment Tracker.


Step 5: Complete the Post-Course Assessment Survey.




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